She Percolates With Jen Hatzung & Danielle Spurge

041: Talin Avakian, of The Half Full Mug



Talin is a busy girl with lots of interests and hobbies, but she always makes time  to stop and smell the roses. She is a young filmmaker, visual artist, dancer, foodie, and lover of fashion. When she isn't working her 9-5 in advertising, she is teaching Zumba®, conducting a photo shoot, sipping on coffee, scrolling through fashion blogs, or searching for inspiration. For a long time, she felt the need to have a place where she could organize and share her daily thoughts and diverse interests. After lots of thinking and many coffee date discussions later, she realized her life does in fact have “a theme,” among all of my scattered interests. One thing that has always been important to Talin is living in the present and learning how to savor moments, among all the chaos. And so became the birth of “The Half Full Mug,” a blog centered around the idea of living a cozy life, seeing things as “half full” (as opposed to half empty), and learning how to savor moments. We had a great time chatting with Talin about he