She Percolates With Jen Hatzung & Danielle Spurge

043: Amber Smith of Climb Out of the Cubicle



Find Amber here: Website // Facebook // Twitter // Instagram // Pinterest Amber is the Strategist, Coach, and Blogger behind Climb Out of The Cubicle. She founded the company in early 2014 after realizing that she could no longer live life trapped in a box. She couldn’t stand by knowing that her fate was wrapped up in someone else’s decisions. Instead of conforming to societal norms, she took a chance. She went against the odds to embark on a journey that has given her clarity and purpose. In fact, her whole life’s mission has been to defy the status quo and to create life on her own terms. But, for a while, Amber felt herself slipping into a “normal” and “comfortable” life. And, she got freaked out. Now, she's doing exactly what she's meant to be doing. She is coaching women to live an awesome life without having to to report to anyone or justify their actions. We had a great time chatting with Amber. We have to share how we found Amber. She made this AMAZING video about one of our interview questions, #6 to