She Percolates With Jen Hatzung & Danielle Spurge

049: Kristen Shuler, Dual Professional



Kristen got her start as an Etsy seller in 2010 and transitioned to teaching embroidery and hosting embroidery social gatherings in 2014. Kristen, also known as Hey Paul, hosts a variety of handmade events in unique and unexpected locations. The events are designed to be inspiring, informative, and entertaining for all people. Kristen is a self-taught embroidery artist and teacher. Kristen calls herself a dual professional. By day, she works as a Medical Social Worker at a non-profit, specializing in global pediatrics. We had a great time chatting with Kristen. She was been a huge She Percolates support and VIP {very important percolator} from the beginning! We are so grateful for all her support! As we do every week we jump right in and ask Kristen to tell us what success means to her.  She jokes that her answer sounds a bit like a bad fortune cookie. We promise it isn't! ;) "I shouldn't expect to have the whole world when I don't have the whole world to give." Maybe at first this does sound a bit like a for