She Percolates With Jen Hatzung & Danielle Spurge

079: Paige Ray of Hear Motherhood



Find Paige Ray of Hear Motherhood here: Website // Facebook // Twitter // Instagram // Pinterest The moment Paige realized she was pregnant she freaked out. “How in the world is it possible to be a good mom without losing myself and my creative pursuits?!” was the thought that screamed at her in between bouts of morning sickness. The podcast Hear Motherhood is the result of all that freaking out. It allows her to talk to some of the most creative moms out there to see how they make it work. Her hope is that the show is an inspiration and support for all creative moms who are doing their best to make the world a more beautiful place. We chat with Paige about motherhood and success! "Motherhood really scared me because I went through this whole deal in my 20s where I was a waitress, I was an interior design student, I did retail, I did bartending, I did this whole thing of I'm gunna become a nurse... and I just kinda jumped around. And I knew that becoming a mom - in my mind at least - there was no room to jump