She Percolates With Jen Hatzung & Danielle Spurge

083: Nathalie Hope, Songwriter & Thrive Moms Co-Founder



When I’m not writing or leading worship for Thrive, I spend my days fixing up our old 1930s cabin with my very handy (and handsome) husband, exploring our 4 acres with my kids, and writing music. I'm in the process of recording my first EP, which will release sometime this fall! You can find my thoughts on God’s heart for moms in Thrive Moms weekly publication, “Momentum”, and you can read my personal blog and hear samples of my music at Find Nathalie of Thrive Moms here: Website // Thrive Moms // Facebook // Twitter // Instagram We had a great time chatting with Nathalie.  We jump right in and ask Nathalie what her definition of success is: "For me to be successful I really have to know who I am and I have to know the season of life that I'm in. and what I mean by that is, I think each of us were meant to leave a fingerprint here on the earth, before we leave it, to leave a legacy... and I think the only way you can do that is by knowing who you are, your gifts, your talents, your passions