She Percolates With Jen Hatzung & Danielle Spurge

092: Meet Ellie, Our Newest Team Member, Friday Coffee Talk



Our Friday Coffee Talk episodes are a time for Danielle and me to chat about anything and everything. We are so happy this community enjoys hearing us talk about things that often get discussed at a coffee shop, the things you tell your girlfriends. Happy New Year!  Today's episode is all about our newest team member, Ellie! She is one month old, sleeps a lot and is a very laid back boss! I'm sharing a bit about Ellie being born and how the first month of motherhood has been. We also share my episode on Jen Hemphill's podcast, Her Money Matters. You can check out the episode here. p.s. If you would be so kind as to leave us a review on iTunes, we would be forever appreciative. If you are unsure about how leave us a review you can watch this quick tutorial that Danielle put together!