She Percolates With Jen Hatzung & Danielle Spurge

093: Danielle Spurge, Owner of The Merriweather Council & She Percolates



We thought it would be super fitting to start our season 2 of the show interviewing one another, again! We've changed some of our questions this year, and we know success is different in each season of life, so why not share our answers again! You can find Danielle's first interview here: Danielle shares her current definition of success: "Having the flexibility to have time in my personal life that I would not have if I were working 9-5 in an office, because I don't thrive in that environment. Maintaining my self-employment is probably my number one priority because it affords me the flexibility I value so much." We know so many of listeners can relate to the importance of flexibility in their work life. Both for women who are self-employment and work in a more traditional setting. Danielle share with us how much she learned this year about how you can positively affect someone's life thanks to the internet! She shares how she isn't afraid to spend the money when needed, why her approach to just starting thi