She Percolates With Jen Hatzung & Danielle Spurge

095: Jen Hatzung, Podcaster + co-founder of She Percolates



Find Jen here: Website // Facebook // Twitter // Instagram // Pinterest Find Jen's 2015 interview here. We thought it would be super fitting to start our season 2 of the show interviewing one another, again! We've changed some of our questions this year, and we know success is different in each season of life, so why not share our answers again! Here is Jen's current definition of success: "right now success for me is giving myself grace, being a good wife, mother, and co-percolator...I want to be a good host and encourager for the women we have on our show and our listeners...what it boils down to at the end of the day is am I trying to be the best version of me." Jen shares with us how her definition of success is shifting because she is in a new season of life, motherhood. We talk about how Jen has declared 2016 the year she invests in herself, and how this is bother exciting and terrifying.  Listen to the full episode now!