She Percolates With Jen Hatzung & Danielle Spurge

099: Ahyiana Angel, Author, Contemporary Brand Stylist



Ahyiana Angel is a sassy storyteller and a former sports entertainment publicist at the National Basketball Association (NBA). Her debut novel, Preseason Love, was published by Simon & Schuster. Ups and downs with love, career and friendships inspired her to create a lane of her own with the popular website LATH Media promotes a community of women supporting women and encouraging each other in life, business, and love. A creative entrepreneur, Angel consults with authors and aspiring authors as a Contemporary Brand Stylist. Keep up with Angel at Success to Ahyiana is: "being happy and feeling that my work is helping other people and impacting them in a positive way." Things we talk about on this episode: Ahyiana's new book: 365 Inspirations for the Soul of the Side-Hustler and the Entrepreneur realizing her day job wasn't for her. she loved creating and the rush it gave her. She started to ask herself if her 9-5 job was really making her happy and what she con