She Percolates With Jen Hatzung & Danielle Spurge

107: Brooke Saxon-Spencer, Founder + Editor of Belong Magazine



Brooke Saxon-Spencer, is the Founder + Editor of Belong Magazine. Introvert, Starbucks addict, M&M fiend, wife to her college sweetheart, mother of three, work-from-homer, midwestern girl at heart living in SoCal, dabbler in all things crafty and pursuer of Christ. As a creative introvert, Brooke began blogging a few years back looking for “her people” and “her place”.  Blogging didn’t bring her instant friends and the cozy comfort of community just by having an existence on the internet. In fact, it made Brooke feel even more lost and alone. Brooke has a desire for people to use the screen in front of them to connect beyond that screen. To discover “their place” and find “their people". This is the soul of Belong Magazine. To create a space to highlight some of the amazing resources--networks, conferences, other bloggers, etc... The world wide web is exactly that - a gigantic, messy mass of roads through which it is incredibly hard to find any destination, especially if you don't know what exactly you're