She Percolates With Jen Hatzung & Danielle Spurge

110: Business Branding, Friday Coffee Talk



Our Friday Coffee Talk episodes are a time for Danielle and me to chat about anything and everything. We are so happy this community enjoys hearing us talk about things that often get discussed at a coffee shop, the things you tell your girlfriends. Today we are sipping coffee and talking about branding for your business. We had some requests on our 2015 listener survey to chat about business branding. Things we mention:'s Bossy Biz Ladies course and her Wham Bam Instagram Course Today's episode is sponsored by Katie Williamsen Web & Social Media Consulting. Are you a lady boss who is ready for your website and social media to finally start creating real results for your business? Schedule a web or social media strategy call today! Stop feeling overwhelmed and make effective changes for your business. Learn how to attract your dream audience and turn them into loyal fans. Learn more here: