She Percolates With Jen Hatzung & Danielle Spurge

111: Amy Webb, Miggy: Blogger, Artist + Special Needs Advocate



Miggy is a mother, wife, artist, blogger, special needs advocate and lover of all things beautiful and tasty. Her blog, This Little Miggy Stayed Home, chronicles the daily ins and outs of her family, her interests and the occasional DIY. She has three daughters blog-named PSP, Lamp and Zuzu. Lamp was born with a condition called microgastria and limb reduction complex, which basically means she has limb differences on all four limbs. Coincidentally all her daughters were born with extra awesome as well. Miggy features a special needs spotlight on her blog each Friday where she interviews different families with children who have special needs. To date she has interviewed over 130 families. Undoubtedly, this feature has become the heart of her blog. Miggy's definition of success: "Finding happiness and choosing happiness, regardless of your circumstances." Things we chat about on this episode: the secret lies in gratitude when her second daughter was born she feels like she became a writer your circumstances