West Pines Community Church

03-27-16 Easter Sunday



It’s the great fish story of the Bible. We know it as Jonah and the Whale. No doubt a memorable episode in scripture. When hearing the story, it’s only natural to wonder what it would be like to be in the stomach of a whale. Jonah cries out describing how terrible his situation is. But even in midst of it, he believes and hopes that it will turn out ok. While most likely none of us will experience being in the belly of a “great fish,” we have all been through excruciating experiences that we hope will be redeemed somehow. Our natural instinct is to believe that these bad circumstances will be turned around for good. But on what basis is this hope? Is it based on an expectancy that fate or destiny or karma will right the wrong? Maybe we just have an empty belief? But the story of Jonah reveals more for us. It points to another story that is profound enough to hang all our hope on. It is the greatest redemption story in history.