West Pines Community Church

01-24-16 Plan A



You’ve watched a scene like this in a movie or you’ve experienced this in a work meeting. People are sitting around a table, trying to solve a problem and someone asks, ‘What’s our Plan A?’ This is typically what the group determines is the best option. It’s the plan that gives the greatest chance for success. And then the group may go on to develop a Plan B, C, or even D depending on the situation. When it comes to His Church, God has a plan for growing it. We’ll call it Plan A. He loves His Church and has an amazing plan for it. From the time of the rapid expansion of the Early Church in the book of Acts to this very day, God has been implementing Plan A to bring healing and restoration to a hurting and broken world. He calls every single one of us to get on board with Plan A. And it’s a good thing that He does!... There is no plan B.