West Pines Community Church

12-13-15 A Thrill of Hope, Part 2: Hope for the Broken



Imagine you are an heir or an heiress of a tremendous empire. How would that change how you view yourself? You would be born significant. You would be an important person simply by your inherited position. There would be few accomplishments you could attain that could add to the importance that you already have. So then what does it mean that Jesus who was the “heir of all things,” came to earth to give up everything? What does that say about the character of Jesus? What does it say about our significance to Him? The reality of our lives is that we exhaust ourselves, striving to build relationships, careers, and our own image. And in the deepest places of our souls, so often our motive is to prove to ourselves that we have significance. But Jesus brings a THRILL OF HOPE, to our weariness.