West Pines Community Church

11-15-15 Survival Essentials, Part 2: Navigation



The gentle rhythm of crickets chirping is shattered by rustle in the bushes. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t very concerned. What’s out there? It wouldn’t be all that bad if it wasn’t the complete darkness of the deep forest. But the worst of it is you are lost. At some point during the hike, you got off the path. You must have taken a wrong turn. How are you possibly going to navigate your way out? This can happen in the wilderness and it can happen in our spirituality. There are certain truths that we have to fix our eyes on. If we lose sight of it, we can wonder off and get lost. Often we think the Gospel, the beautiful message of what Jesus did to save us, is merely the welcome sign to our journey of faith. We think it is something we leave behind. But it is much more than that. It is the path we stay on. It is a message that we have to walk in every day of our lives. If we are going to survive, we have to know the Gospel well enough to let it be the constant compass for our souls.