West Pines Community Church

11-08-15 Survival Essentials, Part 1: Solitude



Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the demands on you? That’s a dumb question. What’s funny is probably everyone has felt that, no matter how much they actually have on their plate. We know we are not the world’s savior, but it sometimes feels like we have so much expected of us. This seems to be common to the human experience. Jesus experienced this too. Although, he literally had crowds following him, pushing in on him, and crowding him. There were multiple times that the crowds were so dense and frenzied that there were safety issues. And, of course, He actually was the Savior of the world. To combat this, there was one practice that was essential to Him. In the midst of the craziness of the pace of His life, He would go up on the mountain to get solitude, alone with God. So here’s the question for us… Do we need that less than Jesus?