West Pines Community Church

10-04-15 Blood Moons, The End of the World and You



The world is going to end! Okay, we all know that to be true. The real question is: when? Some scientists say that we only have a billion years left on the planet before the sun gets too hot for life to be sustained. But others say the final judgment of the earth will happen in a lot less time… 3 days from now to be exact. The challenge is that there are end of the world predictions all the time. And many of them are from Christian leaders. They point to a combination of political events, astronomical events like “blood moons” and biblical prophecy to make their claims. How are we supposed to react to all of that? How do we sort through what is hype and what is real? There is a clear, precise answer to this, according to Jesus. He spoke directly to the “when” question of the end of the world. And what He said should affect your plans this week...