West Pines Community Church

08-24-14 How to Read the Bible for Dummies, Part 2: How to Use the Bible



Of all the things that you have, what would you consider priceless? What are the things you would grab if your house was on fire? What if you knew that there were people who have died to make the Bible available to the world? We learn what makes the Bible so valuable in the story of King Josiah. The Bible was forgotten and collecting dust in the temple. And Israel had gotten completely entangled in idol worship. In this passage we see that without a clear standard of truth, breaking God’s commands becomes normalized. That means sin seems, looks and feels natural. If we don’t have something revealing truth to us, we can find ourselves falling deeper into destructive ways, without even realizing it. The Bible is the light in the darkness. It shines into our lives revealing truth we desperately need to have. We could not put a price on having access to God’s truth.