Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-10-28



News; birthdays/events; if sitting desks and standing desks are bad for are we supposed to work?; word of the day. News; is there anything about halloween (or any of the upcoming holidays) that scares you?; game: quiz; game: feud. News; we often blame the dog when we have gas...but has your dog ever farted really bad? (ashley's dog has bad gas); if food rinds were good for us...would you eat them?; game: calendar trivia. News; can you tell if your house smells?; funny work mess ups; goodbye/fun facts....National First Responders Day...Paramedics, ambulance drivers, firefighters and EMTs all deserve a little bit of love and affection every day! But today offers a special opportunity for showing thanks and appreciation to these men and women who are ready to play a crucial part in saving lives whenever the need arises. The history of first responders in the US dates back to the Civil War, when field workers would provide needed, on-site care to wounded soldiers. But this idea dates even further back to