Chats With Susan Burrell

The Power of the Mind



Ep #294 - The Power of the Mind - featuring an interview with author and teacher, Joseph Selbie The power of the mind is endless and far-reaching at times. Yet we as humans don't always believe we have the power to alter our health conditions.  My guest for this episode of Empowering Chats, Joseph Selbie believes we do have the tools we need to tackle dis-ease and have unlimited self-healing. Joseph is an author and a teacher, and he is here today to explore this subject with me. Joseph’s latest book is entitled: The Physics of Miraculous Healing, How Emotion, Mind and Spirit Enable Unlimited Self-Healing. In this powerful chat we dive into the idea of unlimited healing and the science behind it. Joseph explains that this is more about physics than modern medicine. Modern medicine is limited in the model it uses to diagnose health.  Whereas modern day physics is more energy-centered and energy-based. It’s about learning ways to shift our beliefs so that we are focusing on our health – the positivity of our he