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Find Richness Through a Gratitude Game Plan [Encore]



It’s that time of the year when we all start reflecting… We all take a moment to be grateful for the people in our lives and the things we have.As we celebrate Thanksgiving in the US this week, my hope is to light the path for you to experience a richer lifestyle regardless of where you are in your financial journey. As I’ve touched on before, richness in life goes beyond money, it’s measured in the currency of experiences.If you’re a repeat listener of the podcast (and if not, you should be :-)), then you’re probably well on your way to creating your own version of an Affluent Life. For that, I’m so very proud of you! Yet, I also want to invite you to pause, think, and appreciate the journey itself…with all the highs and lows. Just like the melody of a song, the highs and lows create the depth of richness you experience.I believe today's society is starving for people coming from a place of gratitude and showing appreciation for others and themselves. I firmly believe that if we approach life humbly, co