Christy Wright's Business Boutique

BB Ep 10: How to Sell without Feeling Slimy with Tiffany Peterson



In this episode, I'll break down why some of us feel weird and uncomfortable about selling, and I'll show you that selling doesn't have to be pushy or aggressive. Making a sale really can be fun, and it starts with simply sharing your heart. And my guest this week is sales expert Tiffany Peterson. She'll talk to us about how we can add more value to our businesses and better serve our customers. Plus, the owner of Needle and Grain, Susan Leach, talks about how she quite a day job that made her miserable to run a booming business. 1:14 How to Sell without Feeling Slimy 12:43 Interview with Tiffany Peterson 42:42 BB Success Story with Susan Leach 56:28 Homework -- To save $5 on any Business Boutique 1-Day ticket, use the code BBWRIGHT. To check out a video clip from my "How to Sell Without Feeling Slimy" video lesson and receive a promo code for 10% off my entire Video Training series, visit the show notes for this episode at Read the blog about my Southwest customer service experie