Sbs Romanian - Sbs In Limba Romana

2019: a year of protests - 2019: un an al protestelor



2019 has been a year of protest, where people have taken to the streets to make their voice heard to a level not seen since the 1960s and 70s. While Hong Kong has dominated the anti-government protests, several South American countries, parts of the Middle East and many others also saw dissent. It was also a year that saw mass global climate change protests. - 2019 a fost un an al protestelor, in care populatia a iesit in strada pentru a-si face vocea auzita, la un nivel nemaivazut dupa anii '60-70. In timp ce Hong Kong a dominat protestele anti-guvernamentale, mai multe tari sud-americane, parti din Orientul Mijlociu si alte zone au fost si ele tinta nemultumirii populatiei. 2019 a fost deasemenea un an in care am asistat la masive proteste pe tema schimbarilor climatice.