Spun Today With Tony Ortiz

#269 – Voices of 9/11: Recounting Stories from New Yorkers (Re-release)



Welcome to Episode 269 of Spun Today, where we dive deep into personal stories of resilience, reflection, and creativity in the face of one of the most transformative events in modern history—the 9/11 attacks. Today, we are honored to have a plethora of voices sharing their firsthand experiences, each providing a unique lens on that tragic day. From David Ortiz witnessing the chaos unfold from his law firm in downtown Manhattan, to Raul Azurdia learning about the attacks from a frantic woman on the street, to Steven Almonte receiving the news during his math class—their stories paint a vivid mosaic of memory, confusion, and eventual understanding. We'll hear from Elaine Almonte, who reflects on the haunting silence of New York City post-9/11, and Janet Velez, who processes her emotions through poetry and faith. Jacey Pascasio recounts the classroom panic and subsequent days filled with fear and uncertainty, while Tony Ortiz examines how these events shaped a generation and altered the cultural landscape forev