Inspiring You With Henri Hebert

Virgo New Moon Quantum Energy Healing Meditation: Embracing the Cosmic Reset + 639 Hz Music | Ep 464



As the Virgo New Moon graces the sky on September 2, 2024, we stand on the cusp of a profound cosmic reset and on the threshold of a transformative journey. This period invites us to embrace new beginnings, cleanse our energies, and reconnect with our inner wisdom. The influence of Virgo, guided by Mercury, beckons us to explore the deeper layers of our consciousness. This meditation is designed to align with the New Moon’s transformative energy, offering clarity and insight as we prepare for the month ahead. This meditation is designed to align with the New Moon’s energy, guiding you through a process of deep introspection and cosmic connection. Through this meditation, we will clear and rejuvenate our energies, prepare for the upcoming eclipse gateway, and set intentions for new beginnings. Also, if you want to join Inspiring You Patreon: Much love, care, and gratitude, H