Robot Monk Xian'er

A kind of happiness that is beyond words 有种快乐无以言喻-利他



A kind of happiness that is beyond wordsThe bigger “self” we cherish in our heart, the narrower our minds are, and the more we suffer. In the worldly norm, resources are limited. Most of the time, self-fulfillment and altruism cannot be achieved simultaneously; While in the Buddhist norm, the world does not go around that way. According to the Dharma,self- fulfillment is realized only through practicing altruism.For instance, fortune is gained through giving, longevity through releasing lives, and nobility through venerating others. 有种快乐无以言喻//利他心里装着的“自己”越大,心眼就越小,苦恼也就越多。以世间法的标准,资源是有限的,很多时候利己就无法利他;以佛法的标准则不然,佛法说,只有去利他,才是利己。 譬如布施得财富,放生得长寿,敬人得高贵。佛法是以无限生命的眼光来看待事情的,而非当下一时一事。 有智慧地去认识自利与利他的关系,就不会觉得矛盾。为他人付出时,表面上看起来损害了自己一时的利益,其实是在为未来种因、“储蓄”福报。 认清了这个道理,当下行善就会更加安心、笃定、欢喜。试着真正用心去关怀他人,无所求地付出,能感受到远远超过“满足自我”所带来的快乐,这种快乐无以言喻。