Robot Monk Xian'er

How to deal with hot temper 3 脾气火爆爱生气怎么办3



我总控制不住自己,为世俗的一些不公平或者小事而生气,如何能够保持清净之心? I tend to be so carried away that I get angry at some secular injustices or trifles. How can I keep a peaceful mind ?  生气不如争气。It’s better to win happily than to get angry. 为什么我嗔恨心那么强,每天怨气那么重?如何化解内心的暴戾之气? Why do I hate so much that I feel so angry every day? How to dissolve my inner cruelness and fierceness?   要用善法把自己身心充实起来,才能有力量去控制脾气、善待他人。Enrich your body and mind with wholesome teachings, and you can cultivate the strength to control your temper and be kind to others. 若自己内心空虚,行动又不努力,整个人是没有能量的,就会被烦恼控制。If you have no clear goals in mind and no commitment to hard work, you will have no energy to control yourself but fall prey to afflictions.