Best Of Natural History Radio

Lindsey Chapman's Living World From the Archives - The Oak Tree Planters



The jay is one of Britain’s most colourful birds. A kaleidoscope of fawns, pinks, greys, black and white, alongside striking blue wing patches which, if you’re lucky enough to get close to see, alter in graduated shades of blue and prove unmistakable in a discarded feather. Colourful they may be, for many of us though the normal view of a jay is as it disappears into woodland raucously screeching and alerting us to its presence. In autumn however, jays have other things on their mind, like collecting acorns for the winter larder. And it was in autumn at the time of peak activity that finds Brett Westwood heading to the Wyre Forest to watch the bird nicknamed the "colourful crow". Joining Brett is ornithologist John Tulley who explains that jays have excellent memories and will return to most of the acorns they bury - but not all - making them a key species when it comes to the rejuvenation of Britain's forests. even uphill.Lindsey Chapman hosts this revised Living World from 2004 by gently bringing the story