Chats With Susan Burrell

What is Your Soul Contract?



Ep# 287 - What is Your Soul Contract? An Interview with Akashic Records Reader and Mentor Nimesh Radia.   We are sitting in an extraordinary place in time and history. There is so much information flooding the planet. My guest for this episode of Empowering Chats is Nimesh Radia. He is a seasoned spiritual coach and mentor dedicated to helping people unlock their true potential and live a purposeful life. He does this by using the Akashic Records to gain insight into your personal journey. We had a fascinating and enlightening conversation. So, what are the Akashic Records? It is a record of everything your soul has been through. Past life, present life, future life. And according to Nimish we all have access to these records. Nimesh is a trained Akashic Record Reader with over 25 years of mentoring experience. He channels messages that are specific to an individual and these messages come through the Akashic Records and an individual’s spirit guides.  It is clear that what comes through with Nimesh as your g