Various Thoughts From Dennis Shaw

Mark Calhoun: General and Jurisdictional Conferences



This Podcast is a little "inside baseball" and focuses on both General Conference of the United Methodist Church in Charlotte this Spring as well as Jurisdictional Conference in Washington State in August.   My guest for this podcast is District Superintendent, Mark Calhoun.  Mark is a thoughtful observer of all things United Methodist.   If you like it, forward it to someone, or more than one!   This is Mark Calhoun's second visit and his first Mindful Leader Podcast is HERE. Mark's' first conversation focused on context and how much that matters in our local church leadership.   Discussion with Lonnie Brooks, Alaska Conference Lay Delegate to General Conference, about Regionalization is HERE.   Conversation with Gayla Jo Slauson, Lay Delegate to General Conference from Mountain Sky Conference, is HERE.   I mention, positively I hope, Jeremy Smith and his blog Hacking Christianity.  The blog I specifically addressed is HERE.    HERE is a Chart I created of Episcopal Elections in the West since 1968.  I think