Meditations By Ian White Maher: Praise | Gratitude | Joy | Transformation

What must die for you to be reborn?



What has to die in your life for you to be reborn? What sits between you and the more expansive life you know is possible? What has to die in your life to allow you to become part of the great awakening of humanity? If we are lucky, we will face the great challenge, the one the small and large character-defining moments have led us to, the one that asks us to die entirely so that we might be reborn. This is what makes the hero. This is why we cheer for Luke and for Neo and for Jesus and for the Buddha. In them, in their stories, we witness not only their death but also their rebirth as new beings. And in their example we are inspired to look at the great challenge of our own lives. In this way we live in a mythic world.