No Agenda

1679 - "No Jet No Deal"



No Agenda Episode 1679 - "No Jet No Deal" "No Jet No Deal" Executive Producers: Andrew Alexander Cody Ozbirn Danielle Parks Baron Foxbat Baron Sir Good Fellow Wild Bill of Ohio, DeDoucher of Joe Rogan Associate Executive Producers: Sir Ara Derderian John Bye Eli the Coffee Guy Baroness Monica Irvin Wheeldon Linda Lu Duchess of jobs and writer resumes Rob Carty Become a member of the 1680 Club, support the show here Boost us with with Podcasting 2.0 Certified apps: Podverse - Podfriend - Breez - Sphinx - Podstation - Curiocaster - Fountain Knights & Dames Lubor Benda > sir guy called Ben protector of Bohemian Giant Mountains or something Wild Bill of Ohio > Sir Wild Bill of Ohio, DeDoucher of Joe Rogan Art By: Korrekt Da Rekard End of Show Mixes: Sir Chris Wilson - Deeze Laughs - Jesse Coy Nelson Engineering, Stream Management & Wizardry Mark van Dijk - Systems Master Ryan Bemrose - Program Direct