Chats With Susan Burrell

Transcend into Your Light



Ep#283 – Transcend into Your Light - A Solo Show with Susan Burrell This episode of Empowering Chats with Susan Burrell is a rebroadcast of a solo show that ran in September of 2023. And I have chosen to re-air to illuminate once again the message of living a life of creative and imagined possibilities and leading with light.  With all of the fear and uncertainty coming at us I think it’s important to remind ourselves of all the love and light that exists despite what appears on the surface. And so, join me in discovering how you can lead with your light and how your imagination and creativity can help you achieve your potential. I open up this episode by asking the following questions: What does it mean to imagine all possibilities for our lives? Can we resolve difficulties using our imagination?  I explore what it means to bring Imagination into our daily lives. And all the possibilities available to us when we step into imagining all that we can be. Are you ready to step into all that you can be? And imag