The Sales Evangelist: Sales Training|Speaking|Business Marketing|Donald Kelly

How Enablement is Changing – and How You Don’t Get Left Behind | Shane Evans - 1811



There’s a sales enablement evaluation going on. Are you ready for its changes?  In this episode, I chat with Shane Evans, the Chief Revenue Officer at Gong. Together, we explore the rapidly evolving world of sales enablement and its challenges. Discover actionable strategies to improve your sales performance and productivity. Guest Introduction: Shane Evans Shane Evans is the Chief Revenue Officer at Gong, a role that involves overseeing anything that touches customers or prospects interested in Gong.  His team includes sales development reps, solution engineers, implementation consultants, and customer success representatives.  With a focus on creating high-performing sales teams, Shane brings unparalleled insights into how data and technology can transform sales enablement. The Problems in Sales Enablement Shane reveals some alarming statistics that highlight problems in the current state of sales enablement: 77% of sellers' time is spent on mundane tasks like data entry. Sellers are hit