Duct Tape Marketing

Transform Your Business with the Metronomics Framework



In this Duct Tape Marketing Podcast episode, I interviewed Shannon Susko, a strategic business coach and author renowned for her innovative Metronomics framework. Her expertise lies in transforming businesses through her unique growth operating system, helping leaders achieve sustainable growth and balance. Beginning with the Metronome effect, in our conversation, Shannon Susko reveals how the Metronomics framework can revolutionize the way CEOs and leadership teams approach growth, strategy, and execution.   Key Takeaways Like a Metronome, the CEO sets the speed of things. Shannon Susko’s "Metronomics Framework" transforms businesses by bridging the gap between strategy and execution, emphasizing the role of CEOs as consistent leaders and fostering cohesive, accountable leadership teams. This growth operating system focuses on setting long-term visions, breaking them into short-term goals, and utilizing a behavioral accountability platform to maintain team alignment and productivity. By navigating the three