Inspiring You With Henri Hebert

Embracing Balance, Support, and Authenticity: A Guide to July 2024's Energy Forecast in Categories and Timeframes | Ep 414



Embracing Balance, Support, and Authenticity: A Guide to July 2024's Energy Forecast in Categories and Timeframes In the July energy forecast, we explore a dynamic interplay of cosmic influences shaping our inner and outer worlds. This month, celestial alignments encourage deep introspection and personal growth, urging us to align with our authentic selves. As we navigate transformative energies, fostering profound healing and clarity. Expect heightened intuition and a heightened sense of purpose, guiding us towards new beginnings and opportunities. Stay open to insights and trust the unfolding journey as we harness the powerful energies of July to manifest positive change in our lives. Key Transits and Dates: July 2: Neptune stations retrograde in Pisces, Mercury enters Leo July 2-7: Sirius Beneficial July 5: New Moon in Cancer July 11: Venus enters Leo July 20: Mars enters Gemini July 21: Full Moon in Capricorn July 22: Leo Season Begins: Sun moves into Leo July 25: Mercury enters Virgo July 26: Chir