Hyde Park United Methodist

Hard to Believe, Part 5 // The Rev. Justin LaRosa // June 23, 2024



Prayer is the lifeblood of the disciple of Jesus. In his final days with the disciples, Mark told the disciples in Mark that their faith would allow them to pray with such conviction and confidence that whatever they asked for would be granted to them by God. But that belief carries an important precaution. Prayer is not a cosmic vending machine, that demands God to act on our own terms. Prayer is an act of vulnerability and obedience, in which we declare our dependence on God, and our willingness to decenter our own needs and desires.  HydeParkUMC.org/NextStepsReflection Questions:1. What is the mountain you’d like to move?2. How has the power of prayer changed you? The world? 3. Who do you need to forgive?