Roy Green Show

June 22: The Toronto Cube Van: Hate speech, or freedom of expression? The Toronto Sun's Joe Warmington & Cda's former Ambassador to Israel Vivian Bercovici



A Toronto Sun story by Joe Warmington has shown a cube van in Toronto carrying carrying video advertising depicting people carrying Palestinian flags, praying and protesting, with the banner headline on the van reading Is this Yemen? Is this Syria? Is this Iraq? No. This is Canada. Wake up Canada. You are under siege.  There have been accusations this is hate speech and Toronto's chief of police Myron Demkiw promised an investigation and TPS has posted online this is Islamophobic expression and provided contact information for anyone who has information.  Toronto Mayor Olivia Chow also denounced the van and its messaging. Others are saying what is being displayed in Toronto is nothing more than freedom of expression, guaranteed all Canadians, unless and except it is defined as hate speech, per the Supreme Court. Meanwhile another truck has been seen in Toronto displaying the words "Zionism is terrorism."  Is that hate speech, or freedom of expression? Guests: Joe Warmington. Toronto Sun.  Vivian Bercovici,