Yer A Wizard Harry: The Harry Potter Bookclub

Yer a Wizard, Harry – Episode 1: The Boy Who Lived



If we were to make a flowchart for life, it would go something like this: Have you read Harry Potter? Yes → Good. No → Read Harry Potter Now, You Garbage Person. Just kidding. (But really, you should read Harry Potter.)With this philosophy in mind, your friends here at GeeklyInc have a big announcement to make: “Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!”Also: We are pleased to introduce Yer a Wizard, Harry a weekly Harry Potter book club podcast. Your favorite muggleborns, Michael DiMauro, Bijaya Shrestha, and Sarah Tompkins, will work their way through each book in the series – recapping and discussing chapters, posing the important questions you previously had to ask your Gilderoy Lockhart poster, and delving Hermione-level deep into the world of Harry Potter. If you’re a Harry Potter fan – this podcast is for you. If you’ve never read Harry Potter – this podcast is definitely for you. Try something new this year! Pilates is for chumps!We can’t wait to have you join us for our grown-up and (not so)