Good Shepherd Community Church

Understanding Christian Assurance



1 John 5 v13 specifically states we can know if we have eternal life. -'I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life.- He writes to believers so that they can have assurance of salvation in Jesus Christ.- To know is to enter into a personal reliance upon Jesus Christ, enter into a personal relationship with him. It is not mere mental assent or acquaintance. It is a imitate relationship establish by faith through the working of the Holy Spirit. -Christian assurance is -a Christian believer's confidence that he or she is in right standing with God, and that this will issue in ultimate salvation.- -D A Carson, Reflections on Christian Assurance--This truth of assurance of salvation in Jesus Christ is necessary for God's righteous honor and for our knowing how to live as Christians and how to handle our failures. 1 John 1-5-2-2- 1 John 5-1-13