Yaron Brook Show

Yaron Brook, Ayn Rand and the Philosophy of Objectivism, Selfishness, & Freedom with Marc Beckman



What role does technology play in the growth of modern nation-states? Does technology create and preserve individual freedom? What happens when our government regulates innovation or fails to do so? And why is being selfish good?In this episode, Yaron Brook, Chairman of the Ayn Rand Institute, joins Marc Beckman to analyze these timely and important topics. This episode explores the concept of rational self-interest, contrasting it with what Brook sees as a self-destructive societal trend in America. The conversation delves deep into America's foreign policy, the role of intellectuals, and the impact of technology and regulation on individual freedom and economic growth. Brook laments the lack of modern thinkers akin to Rand and stresses the need for an intellectual revolution to revive the principles of liberty and individual rights.Credit to Marc Beckman, Some Future Day podcast - Episode 35: Techno-Freedom, Individual Liberty, & Rational Thought | with Yaron Brook, Chairman Ayn Rand Institute -- https: