Aviation News Talk Podcast

333 FAA Compliance Program – What You Need to Know with Mark Kolber + GA News



Max talks with Mark Kolber, an aviation lawyer and CFI, about the FAA's compliance program. Mark explains that the program, launched in 2015, shifted from a punitive approach to a more rehabilitative one, encouraging pilots to report mistakes and undergo retraining rather than facing severe penalties. He highlights the benefits of being proactive and transparent with the FAA to resolve issues through remedial training. Mark discusses the importance of filing a NASA form for protections if a case goes to formal enforcement and advises seeking professional guidance when contacted by the FAA. He clarifies that while the compliance program handles minor infractions, serious violations like fraud or repeated offenses still lead to formal enforcement actions. The conversation includes practical advice for pilots who receive a Brasher warning, suggesting they contact the tower with brief, factual information without making admissions. Mark emphasizes that modern technology like ADS-B makes evading detection imp