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Wiser enhances your learning experience: Podcasts and more @ CES 2024



Content discovery platforms are becoming increasingly popular as the digital landscape continues to expand. With so much content available online, it can be overwhelming for users to find reliable and credible sources of information. This is where platforms like Wiser come in, offering a solution that combines human curation and AI to provide users with trustworthy recommendations.Content discovery platform with credibilityOne of the key features of Wiser is its community of experts who curate and vet content on the platform. These experts are selected based on their backgrounds and expertise in specific categories, ensuring that the recommendations they provide are credible and reliable. This is a crucial aspect of content discovery, especially in an age where misinformation and fake news are rampant on social media platforms.Unlike traditional recommendation engines that rely on likes and popularity, Wiser prioritizes the credibility of the source. By vetting experts and ranking their recommendations based