Eat Blog Talk | Megan Porta

545: Discover Your Authentic Food Blogging Voice by Sharing Vulnerability and Letting Go of Inhibitions with Desiree Nielsen



In episode 545, Desiree Nielsen teaches us how to find our unique voice and cooking style in food blogging through self-reflection, embracing creativity and sharing vulnerability to meaningfully connect with readers. Desiree Nielsen is a registered dietitian in Vancouver Canada with over a decade of experience in plant-based nutrition and chronic digestive and inflammatory disease. She is the author of two Canadian bestselling and award-winning cookbooks, Eat More Plants and Good For Your Gut. Her latest book, Plant Magic, arrives April 2024. Her work has been featured in People, Washington Post, The Globe and Mail, KTLA, WGN Chicago, The Social, Food Network Canada and Elle Gourmet Canada in addition to hundreds of media features across North America. Desiree is also a food blogger and the host of the evidence-informed wellness podcast, The Allsorts Podcast, where she hosts a diverse roster of guests from NYT bestselling authors to leading health professionals and researchers. In this episode, you’ll learn a