Eat Blog Talk | Megan Porta

546: SEO is Not Dead with Carl Ross



In episode 546, Megan chats to Carl Ross about the current state of SEO and why our traffic is either dropping or increasing following changes in Google’s algorithm. Carl is an engineer who spent many years in corporate technology consulting roles which gave him a unique perspective on the application of technology, processes, and getting a return on your investments. It means he’s spent literally decades helping customers make sense of technology products. In 2019, he started offering SEO services and the food blogging niche was an obvious fit. While Carl works with bloggers in many different niches, food bloggers are his bread and butter. In this episode, you’ll learn about current effective strategies to rank on Google, including what is implied by ‘helpful content’ and why you should focus on user experience and backlinks. Key points discussed: - SEO is not dead: While some sites have seen traffic declines, Google is still sending traffic to food blogs and recipe sites through search results. - Focus on c