Zoë Routh Leadership Podcast

125 How to avoid the intelligence trap in leadership with David Robson



Science journalist David Robson, author of the brilliant The Intelligence Trap - Why smart people make dumb mistakes, takes us on a wild ride through the stupid things smart people do, and why. We explore: Why real life human vampires are more deserving of compassion than scorn How the ancient study of wisdom (and how to live our best life) is having a resurgence and renewal through the lens of Evidence Based Wisdom How intellectual  intelligence is different to rationality intelligence, and how this can be measured The frightening condition of DYSRATIONALIA - when smart people think and do dumb things How mindfulness is a step towards diminishing this trap Why we need to get analytical about intuition The importance of developing an emotional compass - this includes emotional awareness, differentiation, and regulation of emotions How Brexit is the perfect example of motivated reasoning by smart people that drives greater polarisation Benjamin Franklin’s moral algebra and its ability to immunise a little bit