Zoë Routh Leadership Podcast

132 Creativity is a leadership skill that you can learn with Kieran Flanagan



Do you feel like a creative dunce? Do you think that creative people are born with talent, and you’re just not one of them? Author, speaker, and creative powerhouse Kieran Flanagan breaks a few myths and lets us know we can all be commercially creative if we’re prepared to do the work. Why you should listen: Learn the number one strategy to generating awesome ideas How to develop creative judgment How to know you’ve got an idea that really hits the mark: Listen for the ‘ahhhs’ Don’t go into brainstorming cold - you need mental fodder We explore: Why creativity is not artistry, but really about problem-solving Creativity is a skill, not a talent, and is about a lot of really hard work The difference between re-hashing and being ‘different enough’ Commercial creativity is about being in service to helping others solve problems The biggest creative exercise is identifying the gap between where you are and where you want to be, and then creating beliefs, systems, and structures to help bridg