Zoë Routh Leadership Podcast

Canberra based leadership expert Zoe Routh on a leadership mindset for the COVID crisis



Are you over it yet? This crisis seems to go on and on, unrelenting. Yet, as leaders there is no timeout or time off. We’ve got to keep on keeping on. I thought I’d give us a bit of a PAUSE button to reflect on what we can take from this experience. I also go over some key highlights of this past season on the podcast so you can get a concentrated dose of leadership insights that are useful for now. Why you should listen: Now’s the time to get really clear on what you want: here are some things to think about Clarify what matters most: I share my list to inspire yours Season round up: with insights on innovation from experts and authors that are essential tools for leading next through the pandemic Sneak preview of interviews coming up over the coming months: Leadership on the ground with CEOs from not for profits, global IT companies, agribusiness, and a Vice Chancellor! So much goodness and rich insights coming up