Digital Politics With Karen Jagoda

How Private Investigators Work with Wendy Pickering Sullivan



Wendy Pickering Sullivan, Pickering Sullivan Investigations, joins Deepak Puri, CEO of The Democracy Labs, to pull back the curtain on the job of a private investigator. While a great deal of information is available online, PIs have access to proprietary sources, hard-to-find public records, and the right people to access the right resources. Deepak and Wendy talk about: White-collar crime and fraud investigations Finding out facts about the opposition Determining what facts the opposition might discover about a candidate Need for background checks for candidates and campaign workers Finding crumbs and following footprints online and by talking to people #PickeringSullivan @TheDemLabs #PrivateInvestigators #PI #FraudInvestigation #WhiteCollarCrime #CampaignFraud #ElectionFraud